红葡萄酒 Red Wine
5 Star Old Vine
- 12.5% vol
- 750ml
- 玫瑰蜜 Isabella
酿酒葡萄选自树龄30年以上的老树葡萄,人工 逐粒严选,优质成熟且 糖度高。坚持传统橡木 桶酿造,入桶陈酿8个 月以上,单宁厚而柔和, 富有结构感,具有玫瑰蜜葡萄酒的典型风格。
The grapes are from old vines that are more than 30 years old and are carefully hand-selected. Aged in oak barrels for more than 8 months. Soft tannins but with rich structure.